Location, location, location — it’s all that matters when buying a home. Who would’ve thought that it applies to baby-making, too?
While it may seem strange that location is such an intriguing part of your sex life, it actually makes a lot of sense. Asking someone where they have sex is one of the easiest, least embarrassing ways to assess someone else’s sex life.
Hear me out. If I’m asking you about your sex life, I’m not going to just dive in and ask, “So, can you describe in complete detail any positions and toys you used the last time you had sex? You know, so I can get an accurate reading on how kinky you are.” No. Not happening. While you can feel free to tell me, I think that a majority of people would literally run in the opposite direction.
Asking where someone had sex is so much easier, and yeah, you get a little deeper peek into their personal preferences than they realize. Let’s break it down.
The basic question: “What’s the wildest place you’ve ever had sex?”
The varying responses, from least sexually adventurous to most:
“Oh, I’ve only had sex in my bed and I’m good with just that.” This is the person who likes to have sex in his or her comfort zone. They probably don’t like too much risk and might feel awkward if they’re asked to do many sexually adventurous things. We’re talking about sex — it’s still awesome even when it’s simple.
“I’ve only had sex in my house before, but I could try other places depending on who I’m with.” This is the person who needs to ease into sexual deviancy. They’re OK with certain risky behaviors but chances are their partner is going to have to ease them into it. Once they feel comfortable enough to try something, they might love it.
“I mean, I’ve done it in a couple places, but it’s not like I’m crazy about it.” This person probably just likes sex. Other factors, like who they have sex with, play a large role in what they do. Their kinkiness is restrained to an extent, so these people are hard to make assumptions about.
Anyone who sounds like they’re bragging when they start talking about the many places they’ve had sex are probably the most openly sexually deviant people; they’re probably also the most easily convinced to do something that others might balk at.
For example, if someone asks me the location question and I say, “I’ve had sex in a park, but it was just this one time.” I would probably fall into the third category. I’d be open to it, but not crazy about it.
Now remember, this list is not exhaustive or scientifically supported; I just find that when people are willing to talk about their sex lives, they typically fall into one of these four categories. Of course there are outliers, people who won’t talk about their sex lives, but are secretly the kinkiest out of us all — or virgins, who don’t really have indicators for us to consider.
Ultimately, the more unusual a place a person is willing to have sex in, the more sexually adventurous that person probably is. I hope some of you test out my theory on your friends like I have. Just remember to keep it safe.