Everything about college life is stressful, from making a schedule to dealing with jerks. There are good ways to handle stress, like getting plenty of sleep and eating healthy. And then there are destructive ways to handles stress, like drinking your problems away like a normal college student. But how do you deal with stress when the dining hall isn’t exactly healthy, eight hours of sleep is no longer an option and waking up with a hangover isn’t conducive to anything? The simplest solution: laugh.
Sure, you may seem a bit crazy if you burst out laughing by yourself, but you might actually go crazy if you always take everything way too seriously. A good college career is important, but so is mental health — and that should never be compromised. Without it, you don’t really have anything and all those all-nighters for As would be wasted. Of course, this doesn’t just apply to school.
The stresses of life in general can be utterly overwhelming. If you can’t laugh at the world or even at yourself, stress will eventually take its toll. It’s why we joke in uncomfortable situations, why comedians go on tours to lift the spirits of troops and why Jimmy Fallon wants to send his viewers to bed smiling. Comedy brings people together in a way that lets them connect and forget their problems, even if only for a little while.
As cliché as it is, laughter really is the best medicine. Not only does it reduce stress, it can also boost your immune system, release endorphins, increase your pain tolerance, burn calories and generally leave you in a better mood. If you have to self-medicate, do it with comedy. It’s free and you can’t overdose on it.
A sense of humor is so important; it’s even a prerequisite for relationships. We look for people we find funny, who can make us laugh so that when things get rough they don’t seem so bad. A similar sense of humor adds to what two people have in common and makes time spent together that much more enjoyable. Besides, nobody wants to date a Debbie Downer.
I trust the power of laughter, not just because it’s been scientifically proven, but because I know from firsthand experience that it works. A girl doesn’t get over breaking her teeth without being able to laugh about it. When you can laugh at something, it means you’ve accepted it for what it is and all the stress, disappointment and whatever else melts away. Anything can be funny in the right light; you just have to be willing to see the humor in it.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work you have, or stressed over personal issues, take a minute to stop and laugh. Whether you watch your favorite comedy, talk to that person who cracks you up or realize it’s silly to be so anxious, make sure you laugh and laugh hard. You’ll feel so much better.