Now that a brand new year and semester have started, returning students may be tempted to fall back into old patterns and old hookups.
The summer has officially ended now that syllabus week is over and tans are starting to fade. It’s really beginning to feel like the fall semester. For a lot of people, this means falling back into old routines and thinking of old flames.
There are a lot of possible feelings people have about seeing old hookups around, and they really run the gamut, from completely disgusted to falling back in love.
If you feel awkward or insecure in regards to seeing your old hookup, think about why that might be and if it’s something you can solve.
Maybe you put on a few pounds over the summer from having real, non-Sodexo food and you aren’t feeling the sexiest. Maybe you’ve totally moved on from them and you don’t want to deal with their flirting. In any case, if they make you feel insecure or you don’t want any old feelings to come back, then it’s probably best you stay away from them, at least for the time being.
If you really do want to see them or be their friend, just not right now, then try to solve your problem. Hit the gym, try and get a tan with the fleeting September sun or even get a date to increase your self-esteem and tell them that you’re off the table.
On the flip side, you might also be considering starting that hookup back up again. Sometimes distance and the summer just force two people apart and you want to test those waters now that we’re all back.
First of all, don’t jump into trying to get someone; think about what you’re doing. Are you happy on your own? If not, you might need to improve your relationship with yourself before you work on trying to get into someone else’s life — or pants, for that matter.
If you definitely do want to get back together with someone and you’re 100 percent certain about it, open up the lines of communication with them again. Get lunch with some mutual friends, chill a little bit, ease your way into it.
If, however, you just want a quick night of fun with your past fling, go for it. There’s not much rhyme or reason to this route, and the other person will either agree to it or disagree. Just be aware of your relationship with them. That is to say, if they’re your ex, you may be making things awkward beyond repair, or you may stir up feelings you thought were gone.
Freshmen, you may be wondering where you come into all of this. If you’re new to school, you may not have anyone here that is an old flame, but I don’t think that will last for long.
There are plenty of people who are newly single from the summer or are sick of their hometown hookups. And guess who they’re looking at? Let me answer that by saying that I know several people who are familiar with the play on words, “Freshmen? More like fresh meat.”
Basically, it’s the start to a new year, a start to both new and old relationships and in my opinion, a good time to be single and looking for love.