While I think that it is totally important to have a cellphone, I don’t think that we need to be as attached to our phones as people in contemporary society have become. When the first mobile phone came out, it was huge. You couldn’t possibly put it in your pocket, and it was not a fashion statement. Today, technology has advanced enough to make cellphones bite-sized and as stylish as you want them to be.
Take the newest iPhone as an example. It is now sleeker than ever, and it comes in three different colors. Apple has also created an iPhone 5c, which comes in a variety of colors as well, and has made it one of the most expensive accessories that we have — not to mention the cellphone cases that are available. Apple has created a case that is made out of leather and costs about $100. To me, that seems like way too much money for a cellphone case, but some people look at it as a necessary sacrifice to look fashionable.
Our society has become so obsessed with technology that some people can’t function for a day without using their phones for texting, games and most of all, social media. Facebook, Twitter and other social media apps are running the lives of students and some adults. I think that this holiday season, it would be a good idea to take a step away from the technology and concentrate on the friends and families that are right in front of you and not on a screen.
Instead of sending Snapchats and Vines to your friends, why not grab a cup of coffee or go ice skating? There are so many things to do outside of the home and dorm, and it seems like so many of us have forgotten about them. There are many ways to have fun without having to update your status. Other people across the world don’t need to know what you’re eating, drinking or doing. It is okay to just have good old-fashioned fun and keep that between you and the people you were with.
I am just as guilty as everyone else when it comes to being attached to my phone, but I think that during this period of the year it is very important to take a step back and look at everything that we have around us. Thanksgiving just passed, and we were able to think about all that we were thankful for, and my cellphone wasn’t on the list. So this holiday season, I am going to work on making the things I am thankful for my priority rather than my phone.