Boy, that really flew by, didn’t it? I arrived at Binghamton in the fall of 2021, and when I did, I made a pact with myself to explore. To get outside my comfort zone at every opportunity, to talk to people I don’t know and do things I’ve never tried.
One thing Binghamton has taught me is that when you have the chance to try something new, you should do it. And if you’re nervous, do it anyway.
Freshman year, the night before my first day of classes, I went all around campus and found each building and classroom on my schedule so I wouldn’t be panicking the next morning. Afterward, I walked back into the main entrance of my dorm building and heard the sounds of people playing Uno in one of the lounges. So I stuck my head in and slipped right into the game. Long story short, most of the people I met that night became my roommates and best friends for the rest of my time at Binghamton.
And that’s my advice for you incoming freshmen, or anyone really. Get outside your comfort zone. Break some rules if you have to. Intrude on a game of Uno. One of the best decisions I made at Pipe Dream was breaking a rule, and boy was she worth it.
Speaking of, I joined Pipe Dream during the spring semester of my sophomore year. Then-video editor Asher came to speak at one of my cinema classes, telling us all about the newly revamped video team. I joined and jumped right into making videos. Asher stuck with me even though it took about four or five tries before I made something publishable. From there, I kept moving forward and was fortunate enough to become the video editor for the 2023-24 year. Our small but mighty team of Ben, Joanna, Mirella and myself was able to put together a slate of videos and content that I was immensely proud to be a part of, not the least of which was an inside look at an Oscar Mayer Wienermobile and its drivers, one of whom used be my RA.
Eventually, I also branched out into other sections, getting to try my hand at Restaurant Week coverage, the world of Binghamton basketball and had a four-hour-long journalistic adventure on late-night OCCT buses with our current editor-in-chief, Brandon. But these experiences would mean nothing if not for the people who have been there for all of them. I’ve had the pleasure of forming relationships with many Pipe Dreamers that will far outlast our tenure in the Union basement.
For everyone in Pipe Dream, thank you. You all made this windowless office a place I was proud and excited to work in and be a part of.
For Brandon, Lia and Bella, thank you for your leadership over the last two years. I know there were a lot of times when the job wasn’t easy, but you handled every obstacle with poise and grace, and we’re all better off as a team because of the sacrifices you guys made along the way.
For Asher, thanks for recruiting me. I found my doorway into Pipe Dream because you opened it. Without you, I would’ve missed out on a lot of great people and memories, and without your guidance, I would be a much less skilled videographer.
For Danny, Manny, Daisy, Kayla, Nate and Roshely, thank you for being the best roommates and friends I could ask for. I wouldn’t trade the dinners at App, the handball, poker, drunk video games and Uno for anything.
For Ben and Jo, thank you both for being right there making movies next to me. You guys made the tragedy of the “Witching Hour” incident bearable, and some of my favorite moments during my Binghamton Cinema experience have been acting in your projects.
For Caspar and Jacob, thank you for being my deskmates for the past two years. You guys always reminded me to have fun doing what we do, and I’ll miss sharing cameras with the both of you.
For Monte, thank you for helping me channel my passion for filmmaking and screenwriting. From smashing vinyl records in half to listening to podcasts about lobsters, your classes were always a surprise, and I loved every second of it.
For Professor Kleinberg, I’m gonna miss the pre-class football discussions. Thank you for teaching me to keep asking questions (unless I haven’t done the reading) and what tariffs are. Especially that one. Your teaching has changed the way I view the world and the politics within.
For Ryan, Tess, Mom and Dad. Words can’t express how thankful I am, but I’ll try anyway. Thank you for the 6 a.m. hockey practices, for letting me watch movies I was far too young for and for making sure that I’ve never been the only person who believed in me.
And for Binghamton. I am gonna miss this wintery, anxiety-inducing, expensive, awesome place.
Christopher Carrara, a senior double-majoring in cinema and political science, is Pipe Dream’s assistant video editor. He was video editor from 2023-24.
Views expressed in the opinions pages represent the opinions of the columnists. The only piece that represents the views of the Pipe Dream Editorial Board is the staff editorial.