Let’s talk about the morning after.
There’s so much focus placed on hooking up that a lot of people don’t really consider what the aftermath could be like, especially if you’re Downtown and not exactly in the right state of mind to think about what you’re doing.
A lot of people will tell you it’s awkward the morning after and, truth be told, a majority of the time for the majority of people, it is.
Chances are that if you’re worried about the morning after, you don’t really know this person. You’re not friends, you haven’t spent much time with him or her before the previous night and you don’t know what to say — or if you should say anything at all.
Some people just leave. If it works for you, it works for you. I wouldn’t be able to just sneak out stealthily, and if I did, chances are I would feel really weird about it.
If you don’t want it to be awkward, just remember that it doesn’t have to be. To be honest, this applies to life in general, not just the morning after.
Joke it off if you want — laugh about what a crazy night it was. Maybe you have a past experience to compare it to. If the other person sits there awkwardly, that’s on them.
Act calm, cool and collected. Tell them you had a great time, ask them what they’re up to today. Heck, ask about the weather if you want. For a lot of people, talking will relieve tension. If the person you’re with calms down because you’re talking, there’s an even greater chance that you’ll calm down too.
Get breakfast! I know this one is a little out there, but hear me out.
Asking someone to get breakfast or telling them that you’re going to get breakfast the morning after is probably the best trick there is. If you don’t know what to do and you want to make a hasty getaway, just tell them you’ve got to meet someone to grab a bite.
If you’re interested in this hookup becoming a regular thing, asking them to get food with you is a great place to start. If they say no, at least you know and you don’t have to get your hopes up. If they say yes, good for you, take the chance to get to know them in a way other than biblically.
On the flip side, if you hooked up with someone you did know, that could bring its own set of problems, depending on your history.
If this is a good friend, then you might be at a turning point in your relationship that you both need to take a look at. Honesty is the best policy in that situation; get it out in the open and get any drama done with as soon as possible.
If it’s an ex, the same principle applies. What reason did you have for going after an ex again? Do you still care about them? Do they still care about you? If you need to think these feelings over, you should before you talk to your ex. If that means you need to make a hasty retreat the morning after, then you may have do that.
The morning after is one of the college student’s most awkward habits, but chances are that you’re going to have to deal with it at least once in your life. Keep it light and don’t stress about it — talking should be less nerve-wracking than hooking up, anyways.