
Sixteen days is a long time to suspend governance for an entire country. With the help of Speaker John Boehner, the country fell into a cesspool of greed, only to advance a falsified political agenda. It is time to replace the despotic nature of the Grand Old Party by those who have a vested interest in promoting the longevity of the country and its citizenry.

Over a span of 16 days, Boehner and his Tea Party cohorts repeatedly denied Americans work, training, pensions and other benefits.

Although many fingers remain pointed at the Obama administration for securing the Affordable Care Act, the aggressors appear blind to the fact that the Affordable Care Act was passed by Congress in both houses, signed into law by the president and constitutionally upheld by the Supreme Court. Like any other controversy there are always opponents, but when Americanism is rightfully displayed in lawmaking, the buck stops.

Boehner’s response was clearly a measure of despotic rule. Boehner was only a sore loser in a game that was played fairly. Rather than demonstrating bipartisanship and shaking hands, he decided to “Boehn” Americans and their families.

Aside from government workers, many students were also Boehned. Federally funded educational programs were suspended during the shutdown, which caused certain students to be sent home and have to restart their training in the future. This was especially prevalent with Department of Justice students.

Many college students began the semester as federal interns at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Va. Although this may have been the experience of a lifetime, the entire training wing of the FBI Academy was suspended until the shutdown ended. Many of these students were unable to return due to an imbalance in the credits that they would be able to earn in the time allotted.

The shutdown also caused a loss of millions of dollars. The decrease in production also caused the loss of many business resources, thus disbanding many of the small businesses that the GOP stands so firmly to protect.

The entire landslide was the result of the speaker’s consistent Boehning.

It is time to stand against being Boehned again. The loss of so many of the nation’s jobs, opportunities and finances could have been prevented by a simple decision to acknowledge what has already been found to be constitutional and by abandoning pride for integrity.

Any political official must be held to a higher standard of integrity. Causing a widespread shutdown is not a safe or considerate mechanism for protecting the interests of a constituency and a country.

John Boehner should be arrested and tried in a criminal court for exerting such power. Along with Tea Party leader Ted Cruz, he conspired to cause harm to American citizens and promote a loss of millions of dollars, which would undoubtedly be better spent aiding those who are without food and education.

Boehner demonstrated a sense of sedition, which was used to single-handedly rule millions of people and millions of dollars in finances. While I would say that death may be too easy an option for such a Madoff-like politician, it sickens me that he will sit atop the speaker’s bench in the House, only waiting for another opportunity to strike.

The 16 days of Boehning have disrupted true Americanism and our way of life. Enough is enough. Amid a playful laugh and a cup of tea, Boehner must be held responsible. Righteousness must prevail.