People in America can be very unaware of what is going on around the world. Important events and tragedies happening globally do not come into a lot of people’s radar. For example, in a survey conducted by Gallup released in December 2019 that tested over 2,000 United States adults’ knowledge of international issues and policies, only 6 percent of those people got at least 80 percent of the questions right. This ignorance is illustrated by the lack of public discourse in the United States about some genocides and wars currently taking place. Most Americans did not know what was happening in Gaza and Israel until recently when the conflict has been going on for decades. There is limited public conversation about China putting the Muslims of Xinjiang into concentration camps, forcing them to do labor and forcefully sterilizing them. There are many other issues besides those that Americans should be talking about more, but instead, pop culture is the thing that occupies everybody’s mind.
The reason for Americans’ lack of knowledge about global topics is the media. A lot of the media outlets in the United States rarely report on things that happen outside of the Western world, and when they do, they only do it when it benefits them. The media does not talk enough about what goes outside of America and in developing countries. When these issues in those countries finally do reach our news channels and social media, it is when the problems have come to a boiling point. Rather than international events, American news and social media often prioritize pop culture. People can be suffering in other countries and really need the media’s attention, but instead, it is on the new celebrity drama of the week.
The education system in the United States is another factor that contributes to why Americans are clueless about what is happening globally. Global issues and cultural awareness are not prioritized as they should in the American education system. This may be because United States schools and teachers are scared of controversy and don’t want to devote classroom time to anything that does not fall under core subjects like math, history, English and science. American students need to be taught more about other countries and events going on around the world so that they grow up to care about them. When those students become adults, they will run media and news outlets and control public discourse and continue to neglect prioritizing important international events in a vicious cycle.
There are dangers that come with being unaware of what is going on in the world. If people are unaware of what is happening in the world, issues that need attention will go unaddressed. For example, there has been a genocide going on in China for years and not enough people are talking about it. People not educating themselves on world events and issues makes our society vulnerable to repeating these atrocities. Another menacing possibility of people being clueless about world events is the increased spread of fake news. If you are cognizant about things that are happening then you are more likely to believe and spread fake news. People need to educate themselves so they are able to recognize lies and fake information in the media. If they can’t recognize that, then they are more likely to believe false information and tell people around them, which will contribute to the spread of misinformation.
There are solutions to unawareness. First, American media should expand the scope of what they are reporting about and address international crises that need attention. Also, the United States education system should prioritize teaching students about current events and world issues in the classroom. Additionally, people should self-educate about what is happening outside of the United States. When self-educating, you have to be careful to avoid misinformation and ensure that you are getting your information from reliable sources. Additionally, make sure that you are consuming and supporting sources are reporting on things that matter. We all enjoy hearing about celebrity gossip, but it should not be the only thing we are searching for. Make sure to widen your horizons and learn about things that are not just happening in the United States or the Western world. Another thing you can do is talk and converse with others who are aware of what is going on. Again though, make sure that the people you are talking to are reliable and are able to open a dialogue with you calmly to discuss topics that could be controversial. Once you educate yourself, you can talk with others so they can be aware of important events too. It is crucial that everyone in America is conscious of major events and happenings around the world.
Lauren Wilner is a sophomore majoring in philosophy, politics and law.