Atticus Fauci

Atticus Fauci, a junior majoring in economics, is running unopposed for the Student Association’s vice president for programming — an office that chairs the Student Association Programming Board and provides guidance for students planning events. His responses to Pipe Dream’s questionnaire have been lightly edited for clarity.

Why are you running for this SA position?

To continue the work we have been able to accomplish this year.

Continue to provide premier public programming to the students of this University.

Attempt to move fall concert on a Friday.

Continue digital media.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Are you a part of any clubs? Any hobbies or career plans for the future?

I am from Binghamton.

I hope for a future of many different careers.

I can name every sitting senator and every president.

I run a landscaping company during the summers.


Pro “a push for a Mexican and American Chinese fusion restaurant.”

Please succinctly describe your platform and what you hope to accomplish through it.

I plan to not only run on my achievements:

Continued popular programming.

Digital media platforms such as:

“Professors read ‘Rate your Professor’”

A Tiny Desk Concert with Last Year’s Spring Fling Opener, a pillar of my promises from last election.

Most profitable fall events since the start of the pandemic, while simultaneously lowering the cost of fall concert tickets for students.

But also my goals for SAPB’s future:

Increase transparency with act allocation.

More unique and notable marketing campaigns.

Continue SAPB’s Growth with budget increases, higher revenues, more money making events.

Increased opportunities for students to engage with digital media.

Keeping fall concert ticket prices low.

Moving more events to Fridays and more accessible locations.

How does your background influence what you are able to offer the campus community?

I grew up attending SAPB events all my life, I know what we’ve been and what we can be.

My connections with this town run deep in Binghamton University.

Ex: I was in Rome, Italy with the director of the Anderson Center.

I do Brian Rose’s landscaping.

I do Baghats (VP of research) landscaping.

Family friends with Sheila Doyle, director of the foundation.

Have known Ryan Yarosh, media and public relations director, for years.


I have been lucky enough to be in many other leadership roles on campus where I learned from my mistakes and created new connections.

President of College Democrats.

E-Board for Club lacrosse.

Social for Newing College.

Lobbyist for the University.

I was the VPP for the 24-25 academic year.

My economics degree allows me to leverage our budget better.

What is your favorite book of all time?

“To Kill a Mockingbird.”

Currently reading:

“Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few” by Robert Reich.

“Personal Writings” by Albert Camus.