As mandated by a Student Association Congress resolution passed last semester, a statement in support of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement was posted to the SA’s Instagram story early Tuesday morning.

“We, the members of the Binghamton University Student Association Congress, have an obligation to vocally represent the will of the undergraduate student body, including in matters of global and social justice, and to call upon university administration when community needs go unmet,” the statement read. “As recent atrocities in Israel-Palestine worsen, the silence of our university administration becomes glaringly painful and harmful to student campus culture.”

The Instagram story said the letter will be sent to University administration and state officials.

The resolution, “S2324-R11: Resolution Calling for Binghamton University Divestment,” was put forward by Divest from Death, a coalition of over 20 student-led organizations. It passed at the conclusion of a raucous, nearly five-hour meeting in April. Fourteen representatives voted in favor, 11 voted against, two abstained and one vote was deemed invalid.

Its first “resolved” clause read, “the Binghamton University Student Association will post the attached statement on social media, including the Instagram account.”

Just over two weeks after the resolution passed, the SA’s Judicial Board struck down three clauses — one calling on the University to sever ties with defense contractors, another prohibiting SA partnerships with companies supporting the Israeli military and the third, which recognized Israel as an apartheid state.

The statement comes after a new SA Congress was elected, which will meet for the first time Tuesday evening. It remains to be seen how this year’s representatives will tackle student activism, BDS and the deep divides on campus.

“We speak on behalf of the undergraduate student body when we say: the students of Binghamton University refuse to be willfully ignorant and outright complicit in the genocide of thousands abroad,” the statement read.

This is a breaking story, and it will be updated.