=Services for Students with Disabilities, the University office that promotes accessibility and educational development, met last week with Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo MA ‘84 on Zoom to build support for legislation and funding.

They were advocating for a bill introduced in the State Senate to expand New York’s financial aid options for students with intellectual or developmental disabilities while fighting for increased funding to support them in their pursuit of higher education.

Guinevere Cotten ‘23, the secretary of the Disabled Student Union and a second-year master’s student studying student affairs administration, mentioned data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2022 that found that around 1-in-4 adults in the United States have a disability.

“With this in mind, it is crucial that students with disabilities have equitable access to higher education so they can develop skills and pursue their goals,” Cotten wrote to Pipe Dream. “However, access to higher education isn’t just about academics, it’s also about building community and networking. That’s why creating space for community is a key focus of the Disabled Student Union. Funding for disabled students in higher education supports these efforts by providing access to programs and resources that foster full inclusion and empower students to advocate for themselves in a society built on ableism.”

The bill, if passed, would allow “for students in certain postsecondary education experience or transition programs to receive awards from the tuition assistance program.”

“The Tuition Assistance Program provides critical financial support to make sure more of our students have access to a high-quality education here in New York,” wrote State Sen. Lea Webb ‘04. “Expanding aid sources like TAP to be accessible to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities ensures equity in education for all.”

“As the number of students seeking higher education continues to grow, we must ensure that funding keeps pace with demand so that no student is left behind due to financial barriers,” she added. “Investing in inclusive education not only empowers these students but also strengthens our communities and workforce.”

The New York State Disabilities Services Council called for more robust state support — $13 million to improve accessibility and inclusion in higher education — for “Enhancing Supports and Services for Postsecondary Success of Students with Disabilities,” a grant program administered by the state’s Education Department.

This year marks the fifth year of funding for the program, with $2 million in the governor’s budget. Last year, the program’s allocation was slightly higher — $4 million — which, given the number of students with disabilities in higher education institutions, provides $38.38 per person.

According to Christen Szymanski, the director of Services for Students with Disabilities, the number of New York students with disabilities sits at 104,226 in the 2026 fiscal year, coming out to around $19.19 per student. As the number of students with disabilities continues to climb, the money allocated per student declines.

“This program allows SSD offices across the SUNY system to provide invaluable resources and programs for students with disabilities,” Lupardo wrote to Pipe Dream. “For example, the funding can be used to purchase equipment like text-to-speech devices and smart pens, along with sponsoring events to improve the college experience for students with disabilities.”

Lupardo said that she will collaborate with the State Assembly’s main legislative sponsor and address the budget request with the chair of the chamber’s Higher Education Committee.

Szymanski said many students rely on audio recorders to aid their note-taking, Braille textbooks, sign language interpreters and enlarged magnifiers. In all of these cases, $19 per student is not sufficient, she added.

SUNYs and CUNYs met virtually to urge members of the State Assembly to increase this funding, meetings that Webb attended. Having spoken with Lupardo as well, Szymanski said to successfully implement change in the governor’s budget, the aim is to eventually reach all state representatives.

Crediting student organizations like the Disabled Student Union and the Neurodiversity Club for their ongoing partnership with Services for Students with Disabilities, Szymanski championed their efforts to help “reframe the disability narrative on campus.”

Jubilation Yeh, the president of the Neurodiversity Club, said she attended Student Empowerment Day on Feb. 7, which was virtually hosted by the New York State Disability Services Council to show support for disability access and increased funding.

“It can feel isolating sometimes to advocate for disability justice, especially when disability access isn’t often on most peoples’ radar and terms like ‘neurodivergent’ aren’t quite yet known and used at large,” Yeh, a junior double-majoring in chemistry and environmental science, wrote to Pipe Dream. “It was really assuring (dare I say “empowering”) to see that we here at Binghamton’s NDC and DSU aren’t alone.”

Szymanski said that BU has shown its commitment to serving students with disabilities through initiatives like placing QR codes on eternal doors and establishing greater physical access to shared spaces like the co-rec fields, among others.

“I think it is important to know that disability support and awareness at Binghamton is far bigger than just SSD,” Szymanski wrote. “University Leadership continues to be leaders across SUNY in inclusive practices as well as has unwavering support for SSD activities, initiatives and most importantly SSD students. Students with disabilities can thrive here at Binghamton.”