Lillian Carr, a sophomore majoring in economics
1. What is your platform?
“As Vice President of Programming, I plan to expand our social media marketing team, to collaborate with various student groups, which I already acted on with BU’s annual keynote speaker, continue to diversify SAPB, have a more effective concert plan and rebrand Frost Fest.”
2. Why did you decide to run for an SA executive board position?
“I decided to run for Vice President of Programming because I wanted to expand my leadership skills and I want to improve SAPB. As a woman and person of color, navigating my way through spaces that lack representation is difficult. Often times, I believe that my voice is not heard as a vice chair. I want to reconstruct SAPB to fit the needs of everyone.”
3. What issues will you prioritize if you are elected? What issues do you think are most important and need to be solved?
“Out of my five initiatives, I would prioritize the diversification of SAPB, a more effective concert plan and collaborations with various student groups. These are the most important, because these issues would have the most influential effect on the student body.”