Batia Rabin

Batia Rabin, the current Student Association executive vice president and a junior double-majoring in philosophy, politics and law and women, gender and sexuality studies, is one of two candidates on the ballot for executive vice president, whose office oversees all nonfinancial administrative duties related to SA-chartered organizations and oversees the management of the B-Engaged platform. Their responses to Pipe Dream’s questionnaire have been lightly edited for clarity.

Why are you running for this SA position?

I’m the current EVP and I really enjoy being in this role so I wanted to run again. There are also more things that I want to accomplish and would only be able to do if I ran again.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Are you a part of any clubs? Any hobbies or career plans for the future?

I’m part of KnitWits so one of my hobbies is knitting and crocheting. I make the bees that KnitWits sells and I recently made a dinosaur plushie for a friend. I also like to read and plan on reading “Dune” over break. In terms of career plans for the future, I’m not really sure what career I want to pursue, although I am considering law school.

Please succinctly describe your platform and what you hope to accomplish through it.

My platform: I want to get more storage space for clubs and am actually in the middle of project with Pete Nardone, the director of the Union, to do just that. I want to ensure that any SA E-Board events that we can are not held on religious holidays. Lastly, I want to buy more equipment that clubs can borrow from the SA instead of having to buy or renting.

How does your background influence what you are able to offer the campus community?

As the current EVP, I already have experience in this role and would be able to continue to efficiently do my job. Much of my campaign promises from last year I have succeeded in accomplishing this year. I created a storage grant where clubs with storage could receive boxes and shelves from my office in order to organize their space. I allocated more space to clubs in conjunction with the previous EVP, Andie, than ever before.

I also have been very quick with responding to emails, approving events, and overall providing the resources that clubs need. While I wasn’t able to move UFEST to a Sunday due to University requirements I was able to move Club Carnival and actually expanded the event. This year we created the Equipment Rental Request Form where clubs can borrow equipment from the SA, such as tables, chairs, cameras, etc.

What is your favorite book of all time?

My favorite book of all time is “Ender’s Game.”