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When it comes to rejection, we can't just say no

As college students, many of us have been to our fair share of social gatherings, whether it be a frat party, a house party or a night out at the bar with...


Coke products are superior to Pepsi products

It takes a lot of effort for me to enter flavortown. One of the drinks that can help me along my journey is Coke. For the first two years of my existence...


Renewable energy production must be more equitable and less toxic

The switch to renewable, green energy is vital to preserving our environment and preventing further climate change. However, renewable energy projects have negative social and even environmental implications that often aren’t recognized...


Letter to the Editor: call to save Israeli hostages ignores Palestinian suffering

On Jan. 24, fellow Pipe Dream opinions columnist Samantha Rigante wrote an impassioned call for the spotlight of Israel’s mass slaughter of Palestinians to be returned to the Israeli hostages held in...


Hostages in Gaza need to be brought home now

On Thursday, Jan. 18, gatherers at Hostages Square in Tel Aviv, Israel, held hundreds of orange balloons to commemorate the first birthday of the youngest hostage still being held in Gaza, Kfir...


Passage of time heightens the experience of stories

Time makes stories better. I love stories. I’ve got nothing but respect, love and admiration for great storytellers. Stories have been a staple in human culture since the beginning of time, lining...


European federalism must rise to meet complex challenges

European federalism must overcome strong challenges to survive What we today call Europe has a rich history of competing civilizations and ideas. Throughout the many centuries of its past, there were kingdoms,...


Senior Column: The social butterfly effect

Never could I have imagined on the day of Aug. 21 of 2020 that I would be sitting in my apartment three and a half years later writing one of the most...


Senior Column: You'll wear lots of hats

As I sit here, hitting keys while I wait for my seminar to start, I realize that there is little I can say that will sum up my whole experience at Binghamton...


Writers should normalize killing characters off

A character was killed off in a series I love, although his character is somewhat popular in said series, they were killed somewhat recently. Their death is still felt not only in...