Guest Columns
Embrace your role in history and vote
In 1989, I was 10 years old and playing in the backyard of my home in Austin, Texas, when my father called me to come inside. He pointed to the couch in...
This election is much more than battle for the presidency
There is a malignancy — a term I do not use lightly — plaguing this country, and it has spread throughout nearly every element of the superstructure, particularly amid our media landscape,...
The American democratic process is riddled with obstacles
With election day coming shortly, it is important to remember that even in the best of circumstances, American democracy is extremely flawed. Anti-democratic measures and biases are pervasive in both the United...
The 2020 presidential race holds high stakes for American women
No matter what side of the political arena you’re on, we can all agree that there is a lot at stake in the 2020 election. One of the biggest things at stake...
TikTok has become the app of the pandemic
It’s mid-October and you have been stuck inside for more than a few months. You are sick of your family and you miss your friends. Pastimes you used to enjoy may not...
Editorial: Real estate therapy
Binghamton University has recently purchased a facility in Johnson City, which is set to be used as an annex to Glenn G. Bartle Library, storing books that have been removed from their...
Random drug tests should be eliminated for most jobs
Forced employee drug tests are an unwarranted, unsanctioned and unnecessary show of force and degradation imposed upon thousands of American workers every year. Not only are drug tests ineffective, but often act...
BU should consider the creation of a "Greek row" to create a safer atmosphere for students
The term “frat house” has been in our vocabulary for a very long time. This first official fraternity housing was built in Michigan as a one-story “lodge,” long before the stereotype of...
Right-wing news outlets mischaracterize terrorism
Since the war on terror began, extremism has been a much more conscious concern for many. Terrorism has been a global threat in the past and is back in the news with...
We must reevaluate our understanding of Zionism
As a Jewish Democrat from New York, I find myself thinking about U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez quite a lot. I watch the video discussing her experiences with misogyny in the workplace, particularly...