
Sanctions are unlikely to curtail violence against protestors in Iran

On Sept. 16, Mahsa Amini was murdered by Iranian police for refusing to wear a hijab in accordance with the country’s hardline Islam-inspired laws concerning a women’s appearance in public. Public outrage...


Administrative barriers hamper student protest

Right before tennis great Roger Federer’s farewell match on Sept. 23, a climate activist rushed the court. The guy was on fire — partially at least. The whole ordeal lasted less than...


The college ranking system is flawed

The title “Ivy League” immediately draws associations of elitism, money, academic excellence and selectivity — and now, scandal as well. Established in 1754, Columbia University is one of the eight Ivies and...

Staff Editorials

Editorial: Enough is enough

Starting on Sept. 9, OCCT Late Nite bus service was suspended due to misconduct from students taking the bus, including some who had forced open closed doors. Unruly behavior and rudeness toward...


Harry Styles breaks boundaries in music, acting and fashion

For the past 12 years, Harry Styles has been a household name — originally for his role in the X Factor boyband One Direction. Since then, his solo career has taken him...


Reading romance novels should not be stigmatized

Many people roll their eyes when someone who only reads romance refers to themselves as a reader. They’ll claim that if they only read romance, which some believe is not “real literature,”...


Food apartheid addresses the intersection of race and class with food insecurity

Food insecurity is one of America’s most insidious problems. In one of the richest nations in the world, one in 10 people live in food-insecure households . But these households are not...


"Ag-gag" laws protect harmful factory farming practices

Factory farming is a heartless practice that prioritizes profit over the well-being of animals and the environment. According to the Humane League, routine aspects of factory farming include “various bodily mutilations, extremely...


Mass politics is on the decline

Karl Marx predicted a utopia without politics after the dissolution of capitalism. In the United States, an end to politics is looming — not from the decline of capitalism, but rather from...


Utilitarianism can foster political progress

I could summarize the standard contemporary political system as an endless debate between sides to determine which policies will promote the most wellness for the most people. Eventually, one side obtains majority...