
In Egypt's protests: another threat to Israel

By now I hope everyone is aware of the news affecting millions of people across the globe. No, I’m not talking about who won the Super Bowl. I’m talking about the ongoing...


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Gov. Cuomo's budget makes the homeless and college students pay off tax cuts for millionaires. ...


An archeological dig into my own digital past

While not being productive on our “snow” day this past week, I came across something on my computer that I had not looked at in years. My Live Journal. Remember those? The...


Don't stereotype sororities with limited knowledge

Oh no she didn’t! Just this past Tuesday, a column right here on these pages stirred up some serious gossip on campus. The article was a full-on massacre of all Binghamton University...


Keep your faith to yourself

Imagine that you’re attending a funeral for a beloved family member when, in the corner of your eye, you see people protesting with signs saying “God Hates Your Tears” and “You’re Going...


It's sorority pledge week!

That’s right Newing College, grab your hair straighteners and glitter glue pens. It’s that time of the semester again, when hordes of sorority pledges will bombard dining halls with zombie-like greetings. Forget...


Class is a court and it's now in session

We’ve finished the first week of classes of this young semester, and I’m sure you’re all wondering the same thing I am: “Am I a bad person for making judgments about everyone...


To censor Twain is to rewrite our history

I spent the majority of my winter break with my good friend Mark Twain. Though I didn’t read one of his landmark novels, I did spend a fair amount of time with...


Obama shouldn't dumb himself down

Are we dumbing ourselves down or are we already simply dumb? Last week, President Obama appeared before Congress to deliver his annual State of the Union Address, which traditionally sets forth the...


Young people changing their world, Egypt as an inspiration

Whenever there are frenzies about political conflicts in the Middle East, I have a tendency to get so confused by the media coverage that I never take the time to connect the...