Blindly racing to the finish line
To motivate students, professors should look to new techniques of teaching. ...
Government isn't that sneaky about taking our rights
Conspiracy theorists fight chimeras even as our rights are taken right before our eyes. ...
Staff Editorials
At a distance
Distance learning has its advantages, but universities must tread carefully ...
Women have earned a place on the front lines
Those who stand against women serving in combat roles will soon find themselves standing on the wrong side of history. ...
Opposite sides of history combined, poorly
In the South, some schools appallingly lump Martin Luther King Day and Civil War General Robert E. Lee's birthday into one holiday. ...
Conversation shouldn't have caveats
Hillel did a disservice to open dialogue --- and itself --- by forcing out a board member who brought a controversial figure to speak about Israel to campus. ...
Only time can give you the proper impression of a person
First impressions are a necessary, if inaccurate, reflection of who you are. The key to success is not taking yourself too seriously. ...
Failure is defined by lack of action, not error
Real failure is being afraid to experience failure at all. ...
It's hard to follow the money
The school should do a better job of explaining where our money is going. ...