Lift on Cuba embargo is long overdue
This year marks the United Nations 23rd attempt to end the embargo since 1992. Only two member countries continue to support the embargo, the U.S. and its ally Israel. ...
Staff Editorials
The Price of Prestige
It’s no secret that the cost of college tuition is increasing exponentially in our country. The decision by the UC Board of Regents is particularly disturbing because of the system’s many parallels ...
Well-planned murals will beautify campus
Given the tendency of Binghamton winters toward grayness, murals and wall art might be the only colors student see for months. An exaggeration maybe, but not by too long a shot. ...
Obama far from a lame duck
Senior White House aids have said they believe Obama is best when he is on offense. ...
Cruz's net neutrality comments are unfounded
All Americans, Republican or Democrat, would be affected if Internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon were allowed to impose their two-tiered speed plan. ...
Keira Knightley's photo shoot serves as a positive example
By posing topless, the actress owns and takes control of her own sexuality, rather than letting it be controlled by the standards of the media or dictated by anyone else. ...
Advice: How can I find the energy to be single and happy?
First, the negative stigma associated with being single is false. It does not mean you are any less of a person, it does not mean you lack quality and it does not ...
Staff Editorials
Put A Label On It
Including ingredients on packaged products and prepared foods is no luxury: It should be the standard. ...
Pursue greatness for personal fulfillment
It's not inherently harmful to want to be the best doctor or lawyer or business-savvy individual that you can be. The problem is desiring recognition while failing to consider the pleasure that ...
Staff Editorials
Nowhere To Go
Despite claims by proponents of the closure, local service providers are ill-equipped to treat these discharged patients. ...