
Hamas inhibits the Israeli-Palestinian peace process

It’s not breaking news that Gaza is dangerously teetering toward a catastrophic water and electricity crisis. Since Hamas, the Palestinian fundamentalist organization that practices war crimes and crimes against humanity, seized control...

Staff Editorials

Editorial: Fall 2017 report card

Student Association: B- The productivity of Student Association (SA) E-board members ranges greatly from one to the next when measured against the platform on which they were elected. Rebecca Ho, vice president...


Senior column: Learning to stray from the plan

When friends suggest going out for dinner, I’m the one who does research on restaurants days in advance, looking up every item the menus offers and figuring out the exact time I...


Properly punishing Team Russia for taking part in doping

On Dec. 5, the International Olympic Committee announced it would ban Russia from competing in next year’s Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. The decision was a result of the committee’s commission...

Advice Column

Dear Jessica 12/11: graduate school confusion; friend group fears

Dear Jessica, I’m a senior graduating at the end of next semester. I feel like everyone around me is sending around their resume and going on interviews, and I even have a...


Recognizing the importance of engaging with the community

How often do you explore the city of Binghamton? While time and workload might be large influences on the answer to this question, few may be able to say they do even...


Barbie perpetuates an unhealthy ideal body type

The notoriety of Barbie’s unrealistic body type is not a new phenomenon. Barbie’s body shape of a tiny waist, wide hips, large chest and tall height is found merely in “one of...


Avoiding familial arguments during the holidays

Winter break is fast approaching. For many, being done with final exams, papers and projects and getting to go home and eat some home-cooked food is something to look forward to. For...


Personable professors benefit students

Many of us probably remember a lecture hall packed with hundreds of students freshman year for a general education requirement with the stereotypical professor who taught directly from the textbook. If not,...


Learning to pave your own path

At the end of a busy semester, many students are preparing to go home and indulge in wintertime activities like drinking caramel-flavored beverages and talking to relatives who have hearing aids on...