Staff Editorials
Editorial: Of primary importance
Only eight people voted on campus in the 2014 primary election, according to official data from the Broome County Board of Elections. The numbers are only slightly better for the general election,...
Anti-Semitic groups should not be given a platform on college campuses
“We know that Zionism is ethnic cleansing, destruction, mass expulsion, apartheid and death, but it is also something very tangible. The reason we can have hope is that Zionism is a human...
Nonverbal communication is no less valid than verbal communication
You’d think talking to kids is easy — you just nod your head and speak in an uplifting tone while constantly ensuring and reinforcing their good behaviors, all while trying to squeeze...
Though not flawless, John McCain was a hero to many
On Aug. 25, Senator John Sidney McCain lost his battle with cancer. In his last book before his death, “The Restless Wave,” McCain quotes his hero, Robert Jordan, from his favorite novel...
Older actors make unrealistic teenagers
Coming-of-age movies are a staple in most teenagers’ lives. The recent resurgence of teen-led rom-coms and television series has seen shows covering darker, more real topics and having realistically diverse casts. However,...
Learning from lecturers can enhance students' education
For those of you who may have wondered where I’ve been for the last semester (yes, I know this is a total of precisely zero people), I took some time away from...
Staff Editorials
Editorial: Printing in progress
Since Binghamton University replaced the Pharos printing system with Print@Binghamton at the beginning of the semester, students have been encountering difficulties while trying to print, especially during the first week of classes....
A legal definition of anti-Semitism will not prevent biased incidents
It is unquestionable that anti-Semitism exists today. We have seen neo-fascists in the past few years openly walk the streets of Charlottesville, where they chanted things like “Jews will not replace us,”...
Catholic clergy members should condemn corrupt priests
Religious fervor and fanaticism are things most people associate with issues like foreign terrorism, secluded communities and even cult-based crimes. They usually aren’t things most Americans associate with Christianity, the most popular...
Students should support the nationwide prison strike
As students were just getting back into their school routines, inmates in at least 17 states were organizing a nationwide prison strike. Our two worlds — those of students and of prisoners...