Guest Columns

It's OK to love something without declaring it as a major

Imagine this: You have a bright future ahead — you earned decent grades in high school, high enough to land a comfy seat in the premier public Ivy of your resident New...


Why is it so difficult to get Plan B from Decker?

Two years ago, I needed Plan B. I needed the morning-after pill, a pill that is taken to prevent fertilization up to 72 hours after conception. The drug is sold in most...


Student input is essential to a democratic campus

In my short career as a college student, I have attended Onondaga Community College and Binghamton University. Both have limited student input in school affairs. At my old school, the Onondaga Community...


Validating the "Friday Scaries"

For me, Friday doesn’t signal the release from the doldrums of the week. Rather, it signals a fresh wave of anxiety about what my plans are for the weekend. My “Friday Scaries”...

Staff Editorials

Editorial: One step forward, many to take

Binghamton University has responded to the fatal attack in Mountainview College on April 15 in various ways — last Thursday, the administration released a list of frequently asked questions related to the...

Guest Columns

In defense of President Trump's intervention in Syria

In an interview with CNBC in 2013, former president Bill Clinton expressed what he thought was his administration’s biggest failure. It was not the failed attempt to reform our nation’s health care....


We need to pay attention to first responders' mental health

In the wake of incomprehensible tragedy and loss, we mourn. We mourn for the loss of a young life, for their loved ones and for the community. The grievous loss of Joao...


Stop shaming students who don't yet have post-graduation plans

One of the most common questions that my friends and I are asked as seniors is “What are your plans after graduation?” For some of us, the answer is clearer than it...


Why we need to save the bees

Bees. More than a humorous Cards Against Humanity card, more than a signal for the welcoming of springtime and absolutely more than an unwanted pest. They’re incredibly complex, intelligent insects. Known best...


Music festivals shouldn't be a breeding ground for sexual assault

I know I sound like “that person,” but I love a good music festival. When I bought my Saturday ticket for The Governors Ball Festival on Randall’s Island, I let myself get...