
Senior Column: Apathy isn't a sign of indifference

As a senior about to graduate, the question most asked of me is whether or not I am excited to graduate. In all honesty, I feel apathetic. My experience in college has...


Senior Column: Finding my identity

How the hell I pulled off two majors in three years is beyond me. What I do know, however, is that I’ve grown. I remember walking into my linguistic anthropology class freshman...


Senior Column: Living in the present

Throughout most of my life, I have worried about the next step. From worrying about where to go to middle school in fifth grade, to worrying about my high school decision in...


Senior Column: A contrarian's farewell

In January 2016, I transferred to Binghamton University with hopes of turning my academic career up a notch. There is no doubt I got what I expected, with classes and faculty challenging...


'Hashtag activism' wrongfully discourages criticism

Social media has an ever-increasing presence in the world of activism. Twitter is the perfect platform to share your thoughts and create conversations with other users in under 280 characters. The rise...


We must condemn men who blame their violent acts on women

The phrase “Nice guys finish last” is a common one. I have heard it and variations like “She friendzoned me” and “Girls only date assholes” countless times. When I hear or read...

Advice Column

Dear Jessica 5/3: Internship anxiety; summer body blues

Dear Jessica, I am super excited for my internship this summer. It’s in a field that I really want to work in, but I’m really nervous because it is my first one....


Reconsidering the intentions behind the United States' action in Syria

Last Sunday, four individuals were randomly murdered in a Waffle House in Tennessee. The following day, 10 innocent pedestrians were murdered in a terrorist attack in Toronto. With senseless attacks occurring seemingly...

Guest Columns

Hallucinogens should not be classified as Schedule I drugs

Many of us pledged to “just say no” to drugs in the D.A.R.E. program during our primary education years. We were brainwashed into thinking all drugs — and all people who use...


Competition in high school can lead to disunity in college

I remember my first few days at Binghamton University vividly. Moving away from home and being thrown into a new environment is a shock, and it’s hard to forget. I recall the...