
You don't have to vote along party lines

Over four weeks after Election Day, in a district that President Donald Trump carried by over 15 percentage points in 2016 and where there are 26,924 more registered Republicans than Democrats, Anthony...

Staff Editorials

Editorial: Final week, not finals week

Despite Binghamton University’s policy prohibiting final exams during the last week of classes, professors continue to administer them. The official University policy in the Faculty-Staff Handbook states that “students shall not be...


Unpaid internships aren't an option for everyone

For most, college students’ internships are central to shaping students’ future careers. Internships allow students to gain practical experience in relevant fields and allow them to explore their own interests to decide...


Is reaching across the aisle worthwhile?

A few days ago, an op-ed column co-written by Bari Weiss and Eve Peyser, titled “Can You Like the Person You Love to Hate?,” was circulating around my Twitter timeline. Bari Weiss...


Fracking is not only an environmental issue

“What the frack is going on, with all this fracking going on?” was the theme song of my sophomore year in high school. It is from a highly recommended, educationally relevant music...


We must change the way we talk about immigrants

By now, you’ve likely seen the viral photograph of a Honduran mother and her two children fleeing from tear gas in Tijuana, Mexico. Unsurprisingly, the image has been a polarizing force: Many...


General education classes make learning more well-rounded

General education classes refer to the foundational courses required in a student’s college career that are meant to promote interdisciplinary learning and to prepare students for success after they graduate. Regardless of...


Defending abusers is never acceptable

Many people are taught to always assume the best in others. Utilizing this principle can be a helpful tool in establishing a sense of trust in a world that can otherwise feel...


Is online shopping better than traditional shopping?

I am much more of a Cyber Monday person than a Black Friday shopper. The mob scene of Black Friday, with stories of people tackling each other over the last iPhone or...

Advice Column

Dear Sophia: December 3, 2018

Assignment anxiety Dear Sophia, I am so stressed about finals. I have 15 assignments due in the next two weeks! I’ve been staying up all hours of the night trying to get...