Campus News

Student demand for vegan options may lead to new menu items

Binghamton University students may be greeted in the spring semester with additional vegan and vegetarian options in all resident dining halls. Through ongoing collaboration with the Student Culinary Council (SCC), BU Dining...

Off-Campus News

BU alumnus shares story of Downtown assault

On the evening of Oct. 14, 2021, Kai Liu, a Binghamton University alumnus, was attacked and robbed near Recreation Park on Binghamton’s West Side, resulting in a traumatic brain injury. Liu, a...


SUNY Chancellor resigns amid Cuomo-related controversy

Editor’s note: This story has been updated on Dec. 10 to reflect the newest information possible. Our original reporting on the SUNY Student Assembly and Faculty Council of Community Colleges’ statement can...

Campus News

Flu season sees cases spreading among students

The last free, on-campus flu shot clinics for students at Binghamton University this semester will be taking place next week on Dec. 6 and Dec. 7. The number of students at BU...

Campus News

Decker College hires 25 new faculty and staff

Binghamton University’s Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences’ expansion on academic programs and facilities has led to the hiring of 25 additional faculty and staff. Decker College comprises the Decker School...

Campus News

Q Center holds vigil for Trans Day of Remembrance

The Q Center ended its Transgender Awareness Week activities on Saturday, with a vigil honoring transgender lives lost in 2021. The week of action, held from Nov. 14 to Nov. 20, included...

Campus News

BU holds second-annual Let Us Dream Conference

Last Friday, Binghamton University once again hosted the Let Us Dream Conference, a platform organizers say was created to empower people of all different ages and backgrounds, as well as promote community...

Campus News

B-SMART seminar warns students of study drug dangers

As the semester comes to a close, the Binghamton Student Managed Adderall Research Team (B-SMART) held a seminar to inform Binghamton University students about the reality of taking “study drugs.” B-SMART is...

Off-Campus News

Koffman Southern Tier Incubator teaches entrepreneurs how to enter cannabis industry

The Koffman Southern Tier Incubator is currently hosting a four-week program focusing on the fast-growing cannabis industry. The program, managed alongside Binghamton University’s Office of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Partnerships, is called The...

Campus News

LGBTQIA+ Roundtable held by External Scholarship and Undergraduate Research Center

Around 70 students attended a “LGBTQIA+ Research Roundtable” this Tuesday, with panelists from the Binghamton University student body and faculty. While Vanessa Jaeger, the assistant director of the External Scholarships and Undergraduate...