
In art classes, finals take on a different meaning

The end of the semester at Binghamton University can be a stressful time for students with busy finals schedules, but art students face tests of another kind. Alessandra Rannazzisi, a senior majoring...


Open flame policies prompt mixed student reactions

New York state will be implementing a change to the fire code at the end of December regarding open flames, which could conflict with some students’ religious practices. Grace Hoefner, senior associate...


Police Watch: Dec. 7, 2010

FRIDAY, DEC. 3, 9:23 p.m. — Patrol responded to Newing College’s Delaware Hall for a report of a marijuana odor emanating from a specific room on the first floor, said Investigator Dennis...


Campus housing policy keeps would-be subletters in dorms

As many Binghamton University students may know, taking a semester to study abroad can create a thorny housing situation. Those who sign up for a full year of housing unaware that they...


Presidential candidate calls for accountability

The second candidate for Binghamton University’s presidency presented her case Monday to a filled Old Union Hall, reaffirming her dedication to the public school system. Dr. Susan Jeffords, currently serving as the...


Researchers link promiscuity to genetics

Those who choose promiscuity over monogamy often have their fair share of excuses. The results of a Binghamton University research study suggest that a new item may belong on their lists: genetics....


CIW residents express concern on mold in hallway

Over the course of the year there have been growths of mold in Oneida Hall in the College-in-the-Woods community. “About a month and a half ago my roommate and I noticed [the...


Alumni create Newing keepsakes

While the construction on Newing College continues as projected, pieces of the old dining hall have been turned into keepsakes by the Binghamton University Alumni Association. According to Steve Seepersaud, communications specialist...


Student Association keeps neutral stance on DREAM Act

As enthusiasm for the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act) grows on a national level, Binghamton University’s Student Association is eliminating its efforts to become involved in the...


College students slow to use Twitter

The Twitter phenomenon is taking the online world by storm, creating an outlet for those who wish to express themselves in 140 characters or fewer. But for the younger set still exploring...