
Indian International Student Union to host Tamasha

Among the groups featured at the two-hour event are Binghamton Bhangra, Binghamton Masti, Quimbamba Latin dance team and Cornell Tarana, an a cappella group. There will also be five dance routines performed ...


"Global Fiesta" celebrates world holidays

This December, Binghamton University’s winter fiesta was opened up to all cultural groups. The “Global Fiesta,” a celebration of holidays around the world that was formerly known as the “Festival of Lights,”...

Campus News

Binghamton University dining halls implement Meatless Monday

For BU students, Meatless Monday simply means two extra vegetarian options at the entree station for dinner and lunch. The program was suggested to Sodexo by the IDEAS club. ...


Muggles make magic at second annual Yule Ball

Muggles, aspiring wizards and witches alike gathered in the Old Union Hall for the second annual Yule Ball. The magical event took place Monday evening and was hosted by the Binghamton University...


Panelists recount life with HIV

Women Empowered Support Protect Educate Advocate and Know at Binghamton University (WE SPEAK BU) held their third annual “It Can’t Happen to Me” discussion panel Thursday in the University Union, where students ...

Campus News

SUNY Albany graduate student discusses history of the N-word

Ankhnun Ptaah, a graduate student from University at Albany studying Africana studies, described the symbolic importance of the “N-word” in American culture in his talk “The Etymology of Netger." ...

Campus News

SUNY grants John Tagg Distinguished Professor Award

John Tagg, a professor of art history, was one of nine SUNY faculty members granted the Distinguished Professor Award. ...


Binghamton University alumna teaches free yoga classes

One Binghamton University alumna has returned to the area with the goal of bridging religious, class and racial divides through the power of yoga. Hina Ahmed, 28, received her bachelor’s degree in...


E-Waste Drive collects Binghamton University students' electronics

Rather than throw away costly electronics, students returning from Thanksgiving break can recycle their electronic devices during Binghamton University’s First Annual Student E-Waste Collection Drive. ...


R.E.A.C.H. promotes AIDS awareness and prevention with quilt

“The purpose of the quilt is to have a visual display of support for those who are affected or know of someone who is affected by HIV/AIDS,” Johnson wrote in an email. ...