Student Association

Student Congress 2/23/15: SA candidates, infrastructure upgrades

The Student Congress held its biweekly meeting Monday night to announce the final ballot for the March 6 E-Board elections, as well as discuss updates and new proposals. “When you go back...

Science & Research

Binghamton University professor looks to revolutionize biological solar power

Two Binghamton University professors are taking the next step in making solar cells a more widespread electricity source. Seokheun Choi, a BU engineering professor, worked with Gretchen Mahler, a graduate program director...


'Interfaith Shabbat' serves up diversity with dinner

In the wake of religious turmoil gripping the world, Muslim and Jewish students at Binghamton University chose to set aside differences and set their plates for dinner instead. The Muslim Student Association...


For University Day, Oakdale Mall opens its doors to students and community

Organizations representing a variety of the campus population were in attendance, from BU Athletics to the Multicultural Resource Center. ...


In event of a gunman on campus, students advised to remain calm

For many current Binghamton University students, the Downtown Binghamton shooting in 2009 is in the distant past. But when Jiverly Wong entered the American Civic Association Center, a building just off Main...


Medical school reps advise on admissions process

The Charles Drew Minority Pre-Health Society hosted its ninth annual pre-professional health fair on Wednesday as part of their Charles Drew Memorial Week, drawing over 200 students to Old Union Hall. The...

Campus News

Student Culinary Council 2/19/15: For choice of eggs, future remains uncertain

Although a decision was expected, the SCC decided to delay any change after receiving inconclusive feedback from the residential dining communities ...

Campus News

Campus Recreation announces plans for artificial turf field by fall 2015 semester

With the change, Campus Recreation plans to increase the amount of teams within existing programs, and will explore the possibility of adding more sports as well. ...


For taxi riders, a lesson in the rules of the road

At the event, Faulkner and Dadamio discussed taxi cab safety and answered students’ questions about specific experiences. ...


BU Freshman campaigns for seat on city council

Taylor said his main goal was to foster a better relationship between the students, the University and the Binghamton community. ...