
Startups get kickstart with tips from local businesses

Looking for more than just free muffins and coffee, close to 50 attendees went to the Innovative Technologies Complex on Tuesday to hear expert advice about consulting, manufacturing, marketing and funding information...


Activist speaks on the societal costs of human trafficking

Though slavery was abolished in the United States in 1865, it is still prevalent throughout the world in the form of human trafficking. Activists like Carol Metzker are trying to do something...


Ph.D candidate dives deeper into political career of George Washington

To uncover the secrets behind George Washington’s early political career, one Binghamton University Ph.D. candidate is going straight to the source. Kenneth Lane, a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate studying history, was one of...


In midst of violence in Israel, BU students gather to mourn deaths

With Israeli flags draped across their backs, Binghamton University students showed their support for Israel with a vigil honoring those killed in the violence this past month. The vigil was organized by...


Harpur undergrads discuss hands-on research experience

Binghamton University’s student researchers shared their stories and advice on Wednesday for how their peers can get involved in various Harpur College fields. The “Harpur Research Panel,” held in the University Union,...

Police Watch

POLICE WATCH: October 23, 2015

Union and Chill TUESDAY, Oct. 20, 1:22 a.m. — Officers responded to the University Union West after a report of two people allegedly having sex in a room, Investigator Patrick Reilly of...


Mother and son team up to create educational apps for kids

When he was growing up, Keith Gardner wanted to create mobile apps. Now, he has 30 available on the App Store. Gardner, a senior majoring in computer science, and his mother, Anne,...


BU professor of anthropology uncovers history of Easter Island

History is not always as it seems, and a Binghamton University professor is looking to rewrite the story of the people of Easter Island. Anthropology professor Carl Lipo said Rapa Nui, better...


Former MTA CEO and ‘80 alum looks to revolutionize city transit

More and more people are using bikes for transportation, and according to one Binghamton University alumnus, they may be the future of how we travel. Jay Walder graduated from BU in 1980...


Student Congress 10/20/15: First legislation of Fall 2015 passes unanimously

On Monday night, the Binghamton University Student Association (SA) passed its first legislation of the fall 2015 semester. In “UP at Metroplex’s State Street Express Bus,” a resolution written by Nicholas Ferrara,...