Police Watch

POLICE WATCH: November 20, 2015

Nice Rack TUESDAY, Nov. 17, 2:30 p.m. — Officers responded to the Information Booth for reports of an automobile accident, said Investigator Patrick Reilly of Binghamton’s New York State University Police. The...


Diwali celebration lights up Union

More 100 students gathered to dance and eat in the Old Union on Saturday night to celebrate the Indian festival of lights. The sold-out Diwali event was hosted by the Binghamton University...


Professor looks at Asian financial crisis through film

When an economic crisis hits, there are a lot of repercussions, from skyrocketing unemployment to plummeting markets. It’s sometimes hard to remember that these events can influence individuals and their experiences —...


Access to 3D printing offered to students regardless of major

3D printing may still be an emerging technology, but now every student at Binghamton University has access to these printers. The Emerging Technologies Studio (ETS) opened on October 14 in the Computer...


#StandWithSUNY presses NY legislature for more funding

No student or parent wants to pay more for education, yet tuition for New York State public colleges increases by hundreds of dollars every year. The “Stand with SUNY” campaign wants to...


Students gather to show solidarity with lives lost in terrorist attacks around the world

Binghamton University students of all faiths and nationalities gathered together on Monday to hold a vigil for the hundreds of people who lost their lives this weekend in terrorist attacks around the...

Police Watch

POLICE WATCH: November 17, 2015

Dirty Deed THURSDAY, Nov. 12, 8:22 p.m. — An 18-year-old male says that his laundry was stolen, said Investigator Patrick Reilly of Binghamton’s New York State University Police. The victim said that...


Young professionals discuss path to academic careers

Thursday’s panel was co-sponsored by the Graduate Community of Scholars (GCS) and the Fleishman Center for Career and Professional Development. ...


Males’ silence, role in inequality explored through “Passion to Action”

When men are silent after being confronted with violence against women and hyper-masculine gender roles, they are more than just ignorant — they actively work to promote injustices; speaking up might make...


Collapsed pipe in Dickinson brings construction to community

Repairs to a Dickinson Community storm line began on October 30, and will keep students off both the co-rec field and Digman and Rafuse Hall sidewalks. According to Karen Fennie, communications specialist...