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Drug Issue 2022

Drug and addiction resources on and off campus

There is an ongoing overdose crisis in Broome County — and not just for opioids, but for all kinds of drug classifications, including cocaine, methamphetamine and counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl. As...

Drug Issue 2022

Best sports to play while high

Sports and drugs are an unassuming match made in heaven. Any performance-enhancing drugs are the usual go-to substances for athletes. However, these, along with most other compounds, are banned from many professional...

Drug Issue 2022

The best films about drugs

It is no secret that many modern films tackle thematic content involving drugs, but the history of drugs and cinema is a bit complicated. The Motion Picture Production Code was enforced from...

Drug Issue 2022

Movies to watch while high

Watching an award-winning movie can be great, but watching an average or even below-average movie when high — now that’s an experience. Suddenly, the movie is funnier, more engaging, more visually appealing...

Drug Issue 2022

Smoke shops in the Binghamton area

Looking for where you can get your fix to celebrate 4/20? There are many places near Binghamton University that sell CBD and cannabis products, and it can be tough to decide which...