
Get in the Spirit with these St. Patrick's Day-themed cocktails

While celebrating St. Patrick’s Day might look vastly different than it traditionally has, that doesn’t mean celebratory plans should be ditched altogether. What can be ditched is the lukewarm vodka in an...


Toast to the season with these Spring drinks

Sure, the weather hasn’t been so nice lately, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have your spring indoors. ...


Pipe Dream's Super Bowl commercial drinking game

Play along with Pipe Dream and toss some back during the commercials to make Super Bowl 50 even more exciting. ...


Class up your Santa Con with these holiday inspired drinks

Don’t just wake up and start chugging beers or taking straight shots of Burnett’s. Instead, keep it classy with these six festive cocktails. ...


For Tom & Marty's owner Larry Shea, work and play are synonymous

Shea took his passions and turned them into profit, working at The Sports Bar, a long-gone State Street establishment. It was there, he said, that he gained his first taste of really ...


Tom & Marty's takes a shot at something new

A new shot wheel had emerged like a phoenix rising from the ashes ...


Valentine's Day date ideas

Check out the Bundy Museum, a home that’s been transformed into a beautiful art gallery with low admission prices for students ...


Prepare your liver for Parade Day: a 5-week program

ollow Release’s five-week plan and you might just find a pot of alcohol at the end of your Parade Day rainbow. ...


Finish up your finals with a cheery holiday drink

Pairing Irish cream liqueur with some butterscotch and cinnamon schnapps, this scrumptious concoction will have you wanting more in no time. ...


Take a shot at these holiday movie drinking games

“The Santa Clause” — For the purposes of this game, we are acknowledging only the original 1994 “Santa Clause.” This movie’s as old as all of the sophomores who still can’t legally ...