
I've truly enjoyed my experience at Binghamton

When I started at Binghamton University three years ago, I was somewhat disappointed. I went to Vestal High School and was hoping I’d end up somewhere more — how do I put...


US has nuclear excess

We are far removed from the days of Bert the Turtle, the friendly cartoon creature who taught the “Duck and Cover” method to protect them from nuclear explosions. Yet, while Bert and...


Students choose jobs for salary, not fulfillment

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson states that the three unalienable rights for all are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But what happens when this last one is taken...


Listen to other party's opinions

Last week on line to vote in the primaries, I befriended an enthusiastic young man, waiting to perform his patriotic duty. He asked me which party I was registered for, to which...


Reach out to people who matter before it's too late

A few weeks ago, I thought about one of my favorite high school teachers. Her name was Mrs. Killeen and I had her my junior year. I don’t remember many specifics from...


NY primaries unfair

Growing up and learning about democracy, I always felt lucky. Nothing sounded better to me than the freedom and equality that democracy offers and I felt proud to be a part of...


Clothing choices do not justify sexual assault

While home for a few days and feeling generous, I offered to run across the street and pick up some overpriced frozen yogurt from Pinkberry for my family. As I was heading...


Action, not social media, creates environmental change

With the passing of Earth Day on April 22, many took to social media to share rustic photographs, snapshots of ex-getaways and quotes about the grandeur of nature. Much like the poets...


Sports aid youth development

The structural performance of sports teams — it’s something rarely talked about by fans. Sitting on the sideline watching your favorite team for entertainment’s sake is one thing, but being on the...


Music in the Top 40 should not be discounted

If you’ve spent time around someone with “specialized” music tastes, odds are, you’ve heard someone bash Top 40 music and/or be judged for liking Top 40 music. Reasons for Top 40-bashing range...