
New dishes and new directions at now open Marketplace

If you were smart enough to direct all of your B-line emails to your spam folder, you may have missed the constant updates about the Marketplace and its 12 — yes, 12...


Favorites and flops of winter break movies

To help you navigate through films that are still in theaters or to help you make future Netflix decisions, here is a roundup of some of the best and worst films that ...


It gets better: why spring beats fall semester

Have you finally drowned out the sounds of construction and become used to having a reliable parking spot for your car? Well, Debbie Downers, there are plenty of things to sigh about, ...


Get interested in GIMs

The hundreds of student organizations at BU hold GIMs to attract new members, and they’re the best way to learn what a club is all about with no strings attached. ...


What you should have done over winter break

Here’s a list of some of those things we said we’d do, but inevitably did not. ...


2013 in review

The year is almost over, and to honor its highs and commemorate its lows, Release writers spoke out about the pop culture moments that impacted them most. ...

Arts & Culture

Finals week students we hate in Bartle

For our freshman readers or for those of you who are veterans of the experience, here’s a list of the different types of people you will see in the library this finals ...

Arts & Culture

Finals week pep talk

People are generally stressed and grouchy, normally clean-shaven guys have been reduced to nothing but cavemen and suddenly Glenn G. Bartle Library is more poppin’ than State Street on Halloween. ...


Final concert for finals week

The event was well received by students, who popped in and out throughout the night to enjoy some music in between studying for finals. ...


Why finals week is actually awesome

There’s no better way to bond with people in your classes than crying together and complaining about how inevitably screwed you all are. ...