February finds to add to your Netflix queue
If you’re an avid Netflix viewer, you may find that scrolling through the titles quickly becomes monotonous. Thankfully, the streaming site updates its repertoire on a relatively regular basis. This February, Netflix...
Satire sites offer funny take on news
It’s hard to go on Facebook these days without being greeted with a piece of news that is either shocking, disturbing or both. Thankfully, among the great influx of bad news, there...
Coffee, comfort and conversation
Stepping into John Arthur Café feels like stepping into a quiet corner of a busy city. Though there is life and motion outside on the Spine, the coffee shop has a soothing,...
University Art Museum features 20th-century works on paper
Capturing the complexity of life in two dimensions is challenging, but for the artists featured in the Binghamton University Art Museum’s new show, paper offered the perfect medium. “Works on Paper Between...
Shoot for your greatest year yet
If you’re hoping to maintain your 2017 resolution of staying organized, there’s a new way of journaling that keeps your to-do list, calendar and diary together, all conveniently located in one pocket-sized...
Intersectionality and TV
Especially today, intersectionality is often at the forefront of discussions regarding oppression and discrimination. We can find these themes in forms of art, including television. These shows explore aspects of race, sexuality...
BU graduates find success telling stories
As college students, we know that there is nothing scarier than the future. We are constantly haunted by the search for graduate schools, internships and employment. Luckily, there is a long list...
Arts communities respond to Trump
In the wake of President Donald Trump’s inauguration, people across the nation have been coming together to voice opposition. In the arts community in particular, people have been creating and releasing collaborative...
Twin sisters at BU to publish children's book in May
With lessons learned through classes in Binghamton University’s School of Management and Harpur College, two BU students are not just writing children’s books, but bringing them to life. Caroline Brickley, a junior...
Just transferred to Binghamton? Here are some tips
About one-third of Binghamton University’s student population is made up of transfer students, and many of those who started somewhere else enter BU as a spring-semester admit. Even with orientation, it is...