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Zackary Chaqor

5 Articles

Science & Research

History professor nominated for Lincoln Prize

Diane Miller Sommerville, an associate professor of history at Binghamton University, has written millions of words on America’s bloodiest war. But this time around, her book, “Aberration of Mind: Suicide and Suffering...

Campus News

S.H.I.N.E. plans week-long series focused on addressing local, worldwide issues

In the week before finals, the Service for Health, Inequality reduction, Natural disaster relief and Education (S.H.I.N.E.) has been spreading awareness on issues affecting the Binghamton University and worldwide community. Titled “S.H.I.N.E....

Science & Research

CCPA graduate students exhibit research at showcase

Graduate students from the College of Community and Public Affairs (CCPA) gathered at the Binghamton University Downtown Center on Tuesday morning to exhibit their research in the school’s fall showcase. The showcase,...

Campus News

Three candidates reach final stage of chief of police search

With Timothy Faughnan set to take up the newly formed position of associate vice president for emergency services for Binghamton University, a new chief of police is poised to be named in...

Campus News

Latin American Student Union talks 2020 census in Latinx communities

In a room in the University Union, a group of students from the Latin American Student Union (LASU) scribbled down responses about their racial and ethnic identities on copies of the 2000...