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Zuzu Boomer-Knapp

Contributing Writer

24 Articles


From dawn 'til dusk, Binghamton University's dance team waltzes away competition

Beginning early Saturday morning and continuing late into the night, college dancers from around the Northeast moved their feet all day long in the Binghamton Dancesport Revolution. Dancers from BU and five...

Campus News

In finals stretch, Bartle becomes base for last-minute studies

Pei Qi Yang sat at a secluded computer in the Glenn G. Bartle Library Pods Tuesday evening as she put the finishing touches on her history and psychology final papers. Everything she...

Campus News

Before finals, Tamasha performers ask for one last dance

Freshmen of IISU dawned colorful and sparkling outfits to open the night with a high-energy welcoming dance, which was followed by over 70 students performing traditional Indian dances with Western influences, a ...


Students shine light on sexual objectification by wearing lampshades Downtown

“But you like it rough,” “I should only have to say ‘no’ once” and “Stop looking at me as if I’m food!” were all statements posted in the Marketplace on Thursday to...

Campus News

Binghamton Film Initiative takes Cornell University film festival by storm

Binghamton University students are headed to Cornell this weekend, not to go cliff jumping, but to represent BU in the Centrally Isolated Film Festival. Six short films made by BU students were...

Campus News

Back to the Motherland banquet celebrates African culture through dance

Uyai Nnua may be an African-style dance team, but Friday night the group took students on a world tour. The team, founded in 2011, put on its first banquet event in the...


Zombies run rampant in campus-wide 5k

During the inaugural Zombie Chase 5K, sponsored by the Zombie Student Association (ZSA), the Nutrition and Fitness Club and Intellectual Decisions for Environmental Awareness Solutions (I.D.E.A.S.), students ran from the East Gym ...

Campus News

Culture Carnival showcases customs, traditions of five continents

The Binghamton Association for Mixed Students (BAMS) celebrated cultures from around the world with a carnival featuring games, performances and prizes. At Friday’s Culture Carnival — a shift from the organization’s usual...


In wake of Downtown attacks, University explores options to increase student safety

A string of assaults occurring in Downtown Binghamton has raised concerns among students living off campus, University officials and the Binghamton Police Department (BPD). According to Capt. Jack Collins and Lt. Martin...

Campus News

University releases Road Map progress report

The progress report, released on Oct. 10, detailed the administration’s activity during the 2013-2014 academic year. All of last year’s 46 projects advanced since their implementation. The administration presented an updated budget ...