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Stacey Schimmel

Pipe Dream News

70 Articles

Student Association

Student Congress 2/9/2015: collaborations, Sodexo contract, budget amendment

This past Monday, the Student Congress met for the first time since winter break to discuss updates and events for the coming semester. Updates from Student Association President Alexander Liu included the...

Campus News

Microsoft Office suite offered free to anyone with an active BMail address

The suite is available after an amendment to ITS’ Microsoft Campus Agreement, which was renewed this year. The renewal expanded access to software at no additional cost. ...


AIDS Awareness Festival highlights struggles of being HIV positive

HIV/AIDS affects millions of people around the world, from wealthy celebrities like Magic Johnson and Arthur Ashe to minimum wage workers struggling just to survive. On Tuesday, Binghamton University campus groups helped...

Campus News

While testing new equipment, East Gym asks for student feedback

Users can then fill out a comment card to argue for which machine Campus Recreation should buy for next semester. Gym staff will consider replacement part costs and service agreements, but will ...

Campus News

With Admissions Building, campus consolidates resources for students

The admissions center, previously located in Academic Building A, moved to its new home in September, but the official opening offered visitors a chance to tour the sites and hear speeches from ...


EVoS talk examines ways prenatal stress, diet tie to obesity

Professor discusses study following infants from birth until adolescence, and studied how poor nutrition and stress during pregnancy can increase the risk of obesity in children. ...

Campus News

Volunteers swab students' cheeks to find bone marrow matches

Although there are dozens of blood drives on campus each year, nearly 18,000 patients in the U.S. also need stem cells from bone marrow, a tissue that produces billions of red blood...


Competition turns Appalachian into a cut-throat kitchen

In Wednesday’s semi-annual Meal Madness, five teams of three to five students competed to win a free dining hall dinner and bragging rights. ...

Campus News

Binghamton University prepares for 13th homecoming

Homecoming Weekend is the biggest on-campus event offered for alumni each year. It gives students and staff the opportunity to make connections and seek advice from alumni. Graduates get the opportunity to ...

Campus News

Sodexo cuts Night Owl prices, expands dining options

According to John Enright, director of residential dining, the prices in Night Owls are now equivalent to daytime dining hall prices, meaning many items cost nearly half of what they used to. ...