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Nicholas Walker

11 Articles


Senior Column: Change is needed for growth; now it is needed for survival

I never thought I would write for a newspaper, but I always thought it was cool. I was always jealous of people who had the ability to amplify their voices through a...


Older generations in power are leaving hardship for younger generations to deal with

The coronavirus has surpassed 1 million cases as of this writing, with the United States leading the world with more than 330,000 cases. It seems pretty rough so far, with a higher...


Our emotional detachment to farm animals makes it easier to abuse them

Every so often, some news organization will report on some atrocity another country commits by eating dogs or cats, or locking them up in crowded, dirty conditions. While horrible, why is this...


We convince ourselves that consuming alcohol is worth it — but it isn't

We are going through a drug renaissance right now — cannabis is becoming legal across the United States, nicotine has become prevalent among high school and college students and psychedelics are finally...


Watching a movie is not a substitute for reading a book

A feeling of anxiety, sadness and overall gloom takes hold of me; I dread what comes next. No, I am not referring to the start of the semester, but to the end...


Mindfulness should be implemented into our education system

We are never bored. We never run out of things to look at unless we lose signal, or — God forbid — our charger. We are either distracting ourselves during class, eating...


Recognizing the pros of psychedelic use

This holiday season, instead of celebrating with marijuana on 4/20, take some LSD in honor of Bicycle Day on 4/19 — the first-ever trip on LSD. The chemist who first synthesized lysergic...


Real environmentalists are vegan

There are too many fraudulent environmentalists in this country proclaiming their noble pursuit of caring for the planet, but not actually succeeding in doing so. The environmental movement has rightly focused on...


Addressing the misconceptions about plant-based diets

Nutritional interrogation is frequent among us vegans, but rare among the carnivores of the world. The constant questioning feels hostile, even if asked out of curiosity. Consistent onslaughts have driven me to...

Guest Columns

Hallucinogens should not be classified as Schedule I drugs

Many of us pledged to “just say no” to drugs in the D.A.R.E. program during our primary education years. We were brainwashed into thinking all drugs — and all people who use...