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Morgan Manganello

10 Articles


We need to pay attention to first responders' mental health

In the wake of incomprehensible tragedy and loss, we mourn. We mourn for the loss of a young life, for their loved ones and for the community. The grievous loss of Joao...


Rejecting the new normal

Since Columbine, over 150,000 students have experienced a school shooting. For us, the idea of hiding for your life with gunshots around you does not conjure up the image of a war...


Why is this flu season so dangerous?

It’s cold and flu season. But it’s just the flu — no biggie, right? Some friends and family have been talking about their co-workers and classmates coming down with a harsh case...


When did we stop loving to learn?

I ran down the hall with the amount of energy that only a child on Christmas morning could have, going toward a pile of ornately wrapped gifts under our towering fir. I...


Should pre-med requirements be reconsidered?

I arrived at the hospital with a sense of wonder and thrill — every neuron in my body firing at full potential, triggering me to feel excitement in my fingertips and through...


Bridging the gap between generations

“They’re slackers, cynics, whiners, drifters, malcontents.” I bet millennials popped into your head while reading that sentence. However, those were also words used in the early 1990s to describe the Americans born...


Acknowledging the rising benzodiazepine epidemic

Today, most Americans are well aware of the opioid epidemic, which continues to grow daily. This awareness comes with good reason — in 2015 alone, more than 33,000 people died due to...


The dangers of toxic friendships

Throughout our health education, we are reminded to look for warning signs of abuse in our partners — but why are we never reminded to look for those same warning signs in...


Combating the sexism in medicine

An emergency medical technician provides care to people on what is likely the worst day of their lives. EMTs endure rigorous training to become certified, from hours of book work learning the...


Creating a climate of accountability

I remember it was a sunny October afternoon in my high school Contemporary Issues in Health class when my attention was pulled from the floating orange leaves back to the Victims Information...