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Max Kurant

12 Articles


BU should invest more in the individualized major program

Being an Individualized Major Program (IMP) student has already shaped me more than anything else in college. However, I have always felt that our program could be a lot more developed. Attending...


Student misconduct on Late Nite buses is indicative of larger social unrest

For two weekends in a row this September, the Binghamton University Student Association shut down its Late Nite Off-Campus College Transport (OCCT) service, which offers nighttime transportation between campus and the Downtown...


Community service should be paired with political action

The holidays are here again — a time of cheer, celebration and giving. It’s the time of year when people flock to soup kitchens and do their best to support people in...


Don't get lost in the details

One of my roommates last year had a tradition — whenever he wanted to make someone feel appreciated, loved, congratulated or cheered up, he would write them a card. His cards stood...


Climate change is the fault of the ultra-wealthy

On August 12, 2021, Hank Green, author and online science education content creator, posted a video on his TikTok account showing an image of what it would look like if all the...


Understanding nuance is important to social activism

There are few things that will energize me as much as a good, deep, complex conversation about a pressing issue. I love finding nuance as I analyze social issues, finding where ideas...


What sourdough baking has taught me

To Anna, who will forever be one of my greatest teachers. I went to San Francisco recently. Being in America’s sourdough capital, I took some time to reflect on what it was...


U.S. vaccine rollout is bound to be flawed

For about 10 months last year, I had one thought that would come to my mind at least once a day: What if my mom dies? It got quieter over time, but...


Counterintuitive tips to increase creativity

I’ve always thought of myself as a creative person. I don’t just mean this in the artistic sense — to me, being creative means having the drive to take the ideas in...


Student engagement remains low during pandemic

It seems like even though the worst of COVID-19 is past us and we aren’t dealing with the heavy restrictions that we were last year, student engagement still isn’t looking so great....