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May Braaten

11 Articles


Popular culture has elevated the famous from celebrity to divine status

Bedroom walls innocently plastered with boy band posters, drawing inspiration from celebrity wardrobes, even catching an accidental glimpse of sleazy tabloid headlines at the grocery store check-out — such things seem almost...


Social media "relationships" are subject to change

Faced with unprecedented technological innovations, global integration and a pace of life so accelerated you have to hold onto your seat, Generation Z — which generally encompasses kids born from the mid-90s...

On-Campus Events

Q Center honors victims of transphobic violence in virtual Transgender Day of Remembrance vigil

Rita Hester was only 34 years old when her life was violently seized by anti-transgender hatred. Not only is the gruesome image of her murder scene carved into her family’s memory, but...


Viewing adoptions as “happy endings” is vastly oversimplifying

I was just a few days old when I was left in a bus station in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, China. At some point, a figure emerged from the humming crowd and carried...

Off-Campus Events

Second concert in the "Social Gathering Concert" series by Binghamton Philharmonic kicks off this Saturday

On the evening of Nov. 14, the Binghamton Philharmonic Orchestra’s (BPO) principal cellist, Hakan Tayga, will perform at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Downtown Binghamton. The performance will feature three pieces handpicked...


HPC debuts ninth Binghamton Night Live, “BNL (COVID-1)9,” to digital crowd

Last Thursday, the Hinman Production Company (HPC) premiered its ninth production of Binghamton Night Live (BNL), “BNL (COVID-1)9.” Hosted each semester, the fully student-produced sketch comedy show made Binghamton University history this...


Logic can clear up the murkiness surrounding political choices

I’m taking a course in logic this semester — an intro course so I’m by no means an expert. It should be noted that logic views the world through a particular sort...

On-Campus Events

“Imposter Syndrome in the Workplace” event discusses lack of diversity in the workplace

Khadeemo Castello, ’19, works at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), one of the “Big Four” accounting firms as well as the firm where he had his first internship. In an anecdote he gave Friday evening,...


"Broadway's Darkside" reminds us why villains are the most memorable characters

On the evening of Oct. 25, the Hinman Production Company (HPC) hosted its second-ever virtual cabaret, “Broadway’s Darkside.” Originally founded in 1979 as “The Hinman Little Theater,” the completely student-run HPC is...


Africana studies department celebrates anniversary with discussion on Afro-Latin Alliance, department's creation

On Wednesday, the Africana studies department celebrated 51 years at Binghamton University with a webinar entitled “Black Education Matters: Fifty Years of Black/Africana Studies at Binghamton.” Moderated by Dr. Titilayo Okoror, chair...