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Matt Bloom

9 Articles


Feminism can prevent suicide

Masculinity is the fundamental cause for the higher rate of male suicides. ...


Massive open online courses will not solve socio-economic inequality

MOOCs are not a solution to the high cost of education nor do they level the playing field for students of different backgrounds. ...


Response: Religion has no place in public schools

Religion has most often led the human race down the wrong path ...


Disney Channel has changed for the worse

The difference between this generation’s Disney Channel and ours is essentially a holistic plot twist in the majority of their series, where the characters “get away with ‘it,’” as opposed to the ...


Students think in different ways, test them accordingly

Accommodations such as extra time ... are thought to equalize the playing field, but in many cases they are not enough. ...


Get over shopping and give thanks like you mean it

Thanksgiving symbolizes the birth of our nation and embodies what it means to be an American. On this day America unites. Unfortunately, during these big sale events, being an American in this ...


Kindness due to all irrespective of gender

Unfortunately, my article on chivalry has resulted in many outrages and unjust criticisms of my character. ...


Women can't have it both ways: it's either special treatment or equality in all regards

All too often, “chivalrous” men have an entirely different agenda besides being gentlemanly. ...


Don't rush to join a frat just yet

Fraternities become the disguise that students use to recreate themselves into what they presume is a better and more socially acceptable person in order to escape the loneliness of being a new ...