Katie Shafsky
Contributing Release Writer
59 Articles
Warmer ways to get around campus
Even though there are no underground tunnels here at Binghamton University, it’s still possible to get from (Academic) A to B while staying mostly indoors. All you need is a little creativity. ...
Things we're not grateful for this year
Being the apathetic young adults we are, let’s take a moment to recall nine things we’re not so thankful for. ...
An essential guide to essential shoes
If there’s one thing college students worry about the most, it’s money. Especially at Binghamton University. Deciding how to spend the coveted allowance your parents put in your M&T account can be...
A close environment at an open mic
“In ninth grade, I was really shy and didn’t express myself much,” said Bonaparte, an undeclared freshman. “When I had new experiences, I wanted to write them down and create a story ...
Restaurant week Fall 2013: Thai Time
Thai Time ofers reasonably priced, delicious Thai cuisine that will leave you questioning why drunken noodles aren’t a staple at every frat party. ...
Arts & Culture
Your official finals guide: 5 tips to keep you sane
It’s finals week, a time when it’s easier than ever to lose sight of your goals and be shaded from the light at the end of the tunnel. Surviving finals without having...
Arts & Culture
Hot summer fashion trends
Summer is almost here, and choosing what to wear can be incredibly stressful. The shift from layers of shirts, coats and scarves to a top and pair of shorts can make it...
The 6 rules of floorcest
he first people you meet in college are the ones who live on your floor, so it’s not uncommon for them to be the first ones you hook up with. ...
Healthy food at the Nite Owl? No, you're not dreaming
The Nite Owl now offers new (still expensive) healthy (kind of) options, including more vegetarian dishes. These specialized dishes are for those who are health conscious and want to avoid dangerous late-night ...
#hashtagging #your #way #through #binghamton #article
ere are some #binghamtonhashtags classics to adopt, or maybe avoid. #whoknows ...