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Jake Lewis

Sex Columnist

Senior English

37 Articles


Sexual relief efforts

It’s that fateful time of the semester again, when everything comes to a close and all kinds of stress pop up out from every source. We all know it’s coming, yet barely...


We don't wear sex on our sleeves

Something’s been bothering me lately and I need to vent about it. Just because someone acts a certain way, has a certain orientation or has a certain profession, it doesn’t necessarily imply...


Don't be ashamed to go under the knife

Let’s be honest — a vast number of people have stigmas regarding plastic surgery. When a celebrity undergoes a noteworthy plastic surgery procedure, it’s practically always given a negative spin in the...


A Halloween battle of the sexes

It seems that All Hallows’ Eve isn’t quite the holiday it used to be. Halloween used to be a day when spirits of the undead would once again roam the earth; the...


Coming out can be tough, but it doesn't have to be

You can’t spell sexuality without sex, and chances are you won’t have particularly amazing sex without knowing your sexuality. It’s Pride Week here at Binghamton University. Now, I can’t talk about all...


Don't judge a book by its sexual past

In the recent release of the film “What’s Your Number?,” a girl played by Anna Faris desperately tries not to have sex with 20 people because she believes if she does, she’ll...


Think twice before you send those risqué texts

Sex and cell phones. These are two elements of a majority of lives of young adults. But should the sensitive and developing concept of sex be combined with texting, one of the...