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Jake Lewis

Sex Columnist

Senior English

37 Articles


Everyone hears "no" sometimes

Getting rejected isn’t the end of the world. Rather, it’s an opportunity to learn a lesson: Never assume. ...


Missing that spice in your life?

There comes the awkward time in pretty much everyone’s life when you find that you’re not having sex, for whatever reason, but it hasn’t stopped the rest of the world from getting...


Test the waters before diving in

Beware old hookups. ...


Your last hurrah might require judgement

As we enter the last couple weeks of school, a lot of things come to an end. We experience our last papers, our last tests, our last classes and our last couple...


Where’s the weirdest you’ve done it?

Location, location, location — it’s all that matters when buying a home. Who would’ve thought that it applies to baby-making, too? While it may seem strange that location is such an intriguing...


Don’t make that lasting spring break mistake

Spring break is nearly upon us and as we all hastily finish essays and struggle to study for tests, vacation lingers in the back of our minds. A lot of people typically...


Sex is taboo, but it doesn’t have to be

Sex makes most people uncomfortable. There are very few people who can talk about their sex lives openly and even they don’t always feel comfortable telling certain people. Sure, it’s great when...


How to balance out your friskiness ratio

One of the many sexual facts I’ve learned from experiencing, analyzing and talking about relationships on a close-to-daily basis is that no relationship has a perfectly even split of horniness. This may...


V-Day the proper way: Sex your partner up right

Looks like it’s that magical time of year again, you know, that time of year when romance is almost as abundant as depression and chocolate sales. To some people, Valentine’s Day is...


Syllabus week sexcapade tips

It’s the first week of classes, we’re all getting back to Binghamton and we’re all looking to have a good time. Let’s be honest, a lot of students here aren’t devoted to...