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Justin Kalin



29 Articles


Dress up as Muhammad, First Amendment’s got your back

Zombie Muhammad walks into a bar. A customer overhears Muhammad’s conversation with the Zombie Pope and proceeds to grab Muhammad’s beard. Muhammad files suit, and several months later, the presiding judge dismisses...


February should be just another month

Dare I say Black History Month is not what it used to be? Excuse me, I meant to say National African American History Month. Just like I meant to say National Asian-Pacific...


The GOP's contraception deception

I laughed the first time I heard Rick Santorum discuss the “dangers of contraception” and his reassured explanation of “how things are supposed to be.” It actually didn’t seem real, to honestly...


Second Amendment up in smoke

On Sept. 21, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) responded to confusion in the federal firearms licensing community about whether medical marijuana patients can apply for gun ownership. Its...


Religion and nation: A slippery slope

Most of us have sworn to God, whether informally or as a duty. As a figure of speech, I do it all the time. But if I meant these words precisely, if...


I've heard enough

It’s a fact: College students are fascinated by loud music. They simply can’t get enough. They listen to it when they want to party, study or interrupt others from studying. They especially...


Understanding your resident rights: a foolproof plan

Getting written up for an alcohol violation is no joke. There are many obvious reasons to keep your drinking off campus. But let’s face it, there are also huge conveniences to pre-gaming...


People for the eradication of troublesome advertisements

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has announced its plans to launch a pornography website in December of this year. Although the site will contain mostly erotica, it will be...


Anti-drug agencies lead misguided campaign efforts

Our education system has a responsibility to advocate public well-being, but that being said, there is a serious problem right in front of our eyes. The slogans of America’s anti-drug and anti-alcohol...