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Joseph Hawthorne

Assistant News Editor

77 Articles


Professors discuss cartography as an art

For the past year and a half, Karen-edis Barzman, an art history professor at Binghamton University, has traveled the globe in an effort to understand the history of borders ...

Campus News

Binghamton University competes in nationwide Recyclemania

RecyleMania is a nationwide contest among hundreds of colleges across the United States and Canada to see which can recycle the most paper, plastic, metal and cardboard in a nearly two-month stretch. ...

Campus News

Culinary Council hopes to bridge gap between students and Sodexo

Dining halls at Binghamton University have often been a source of discontent among the student body. This semester, Auxiliary Services and Sodexo are responding. ...

Campus News

Bike share program brakes for break

The pilot program, which lasted the month of November, recorded 40 different users logging 160 hours of ride time. ...

Campus News

Finals week cramming spikes use of 'study drugs'

During finals week, some students turn to prescription drugs like Adderall and Ritalin, which are commonly prescribed to those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), to help stay focused and get a ...


Speakers discuss protesting for peace

The speakers were split up into panels, discussing government violence in schools and implications of drone warfare. Local organizer Jack Gilroy described his lifelong efforts as a teacher at Maine-Endwell to encourage...

Campus News

SUNY Albany graduate student discusses history of the N-word

Ankhnun Ptaah, a graduate student from University at Albany studying Africana studies, described the symbolic importance of the “N-word” in American culture in his talk “The Etymology of Netger." ...

Campus News

Binghamton University students debate way to smoke marijuana

Debaters from Rhetoric 354: Argumentative Theory argued for joints, blunts, pipes, bongs and vaporizers in front of a lecture hall packed with over 100 students. ...

Greek Life

Binghamton University gets trashy

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi hosted Binghamton University’s first “Trashin’ Show,” where teams dressed up models in outfits made out of reused garbage. ...


Cuban professor discusses origins of slave trade

Jorge Felipe González, from the Fundación Fernando Ortiz in Havana and a current fellow at Harvard University, described the participation of the United States in the Cuban slave trade on Thursday evening. ...