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Isabella Cavallo

34 Articles


"The Solution" showcases Liam Fitch's creativity, talent and hard work

Most indie filmmakers notoriously credit themselves for every role, but Liam Fitch humbly referred to vimself only as the creator of vis newest feature film, “The Solution.” Fitch, a senior double-majoring in...


Black-owned fashion brands you can support

Despite the never-ending snow here in Binghamton, spring is right around the corner. The weather shifting from arctic temperatures to warm breezes is as good of an excuse as any to do...


Harry Styles’ Vogue cover stirs up conversation on gender-neutral fashion choices

Harry Styles has come a long way since his days in One Direction — in regard to both his singing and songwriting talents as well as his fashion game. Styles went from...


Holiday shopping guide for the college student in your life

The holidays are approaching and chances are you have at least one person you want to buy a gift for. Whether that person is a sibling, cousin, friend or significant other, you...


Tips for getting through the last weeks of the semester at home

With Thanksgiving coming to an end and online classes starting up again as finals approach, it’s time to switch gears from relaxation to study mode. Being home can create the illusion that...


Ariana Grande matures sound with new album “Positions”

For those who associate Ariana Grande only with upbeat dance-pop songs, her newest album will be quite the surprise. “Positions,” Grande’s sixth studio album, has 14 tracks filled with orchestral string symphonies...


New organization aims to address LGBTQ+ spaces in STEM fields

Out in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (oSTEM) is a new club for LGBTQ+ students at Binghamton University. oSTEM is a nonprofit international organization for LGBTQ+ people in the science, technology, engineering...

On-Campus Events

SAPB brings the humor with Josh Peck

Our generation’s childhood has been defined by the renowned sitcoms on Nickelodeon, Disney Channel and Cartoon Network. One sitcom in particular, Nickelodeon’s “Drake & Josh,” was a memorable and iconic show to...


Your Needful Things is where you'll find your next favorite vintage piece

Soft orchestral music greets your ears as you enter the antique gift shop, Your Needful Things on East Service Road in Binghamton. After walking past paintings, antique radios, handmade jewelry, vintage telephones,...

Housing Issue

Renting a luxury student apartment versus nonaffiliated houses on the West Side, Johnson City

After freshman year, many students make the decision to move off campus for a more independent college experience. After picking roommates and after the air of excitement among everyone grows, the debate...