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Geoffery Weinberg

Contributing Columnist

14 Articles


Kevin Ware and Mike Rice: the problem of student-athlete exploitation

In light of March Madness, attention on the NCAA focuses on athletes' treatment and benefits. ...


Maintaining the sanctity of voters' rights

Just as a new statue of Rosa Parks was being unveiled in the U.S. Capitol, across the street in the Supreme Court, the Judicial Branch was deciding whether or not we live ...


You should be able to live on minimum wage

We must act to squash the increasing inequality in our nation ...


Not just one amendment under siege

The NRA fulminates against gun-control laws even as automated aircraft kill American citizens without warrant or charge. ...


Chiefs linebacker does not deserve our sympathy

Jovan Belcher, the Kansas Chiefs linebacker who committed suicide after murdering his girlfriend, does not deserve our sympathy. He is a murderer and should be seen as one. ...


Not a case of Good vs. Evil

The renewed conflict between Israel and Hamas is terrible, but so too is the tendency to paint the sides in black and white. ...


The Republican party needs to make a change, or risk extinction

The GOP can't rely on old white people. ...


Ridiculous Republicans: Just refrain from rape rhetoric

Akin, King and now Murdock? ...


Romney 2.0 is a product of our short-term memory

Romney's flip-flops may be noticed by some, but most America's eat up his new, moderated plan for America. ...


Liar, liar: The GOP conspiracy echo chamber

Conservatives have decided that any victory Obama claims, big or small, is probably a fabrication. ...