Guest Author

7 Articles


Letter to the Editor: Federal law preempts Executive Order 157

A Letter to the Editor is a column sent in for publication in response to a column or article previously published. This is in response to recent breaking news surrounding the recently-passed...

Guest Columns

The Elections Committee censored me

This semester, I attended the Student Association candidate debate to ask candidates if they would support Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) legislation in the SA. The treatment I received was sadly expected —...

Guest Columns

SA must reject upcoming BDS legislation

Across the United States, Jewish university students are fearful. Anti-Israel students, professors and staff members have rallied many times shouting slogans and calls that can be considered overtly antisemitic. One of the...


Letter to the Editor: Statement from SA E-Board

Editor’s Note: This letter to the editor was written by the SA Executive Board. We, the Student Association Executive Board, requested a recent resignation based on factual grounds. The departure of this...

Guest Columns

We will not wait for the next school shooting

Editor’s Note: The following is a student-written op-ed, signed by over 140 student leaders and meant to be published simultaneously across over 50 student newspapers. The breadth of this op-ed is national...


Microaggressions against Black Francophones indicative of linguistic and ethnic bias

While growing up in the United States, I realized that many Americans had, at best, a surface-level understanding of many ethnic groups, such as those of the Creole diaspora. Many people attempt...

Guest Columns

BU graduate workers need a living wage

Binghamton University runs on the labor of its graduate workers. They deserve to be paid enough to live comfortably — they are asking to be paid enough to live. The University has,...

Guest Columns

Practical ways to maintain sobriety during the holidays

The holiday season can be stressful and lonely while also being filled with joy and happiness — everyone manages these emotions differently. Most individuals are overindulging in food and drink, and there...

Guest Columns

BU graduate teaching assistants must be protected

In an academic environment where hate speech and ideals of white supremacy are becoming commonplace, Binghamton University is failing in its duty to protect not just its most vulnerable students from irrevocable...

Sex Issue 2022

Rice Purity and College Inexperience

The Rice Purity Test is a popular online test that determines, in essence, how “pure” or “unpure” one is based on their experiences. The test, which is a checklist-style page with a...